Family Obkircher
Soprabolzano, via Piramidi 7
I-39054 Renon, South Tyrol
Farm & Trattoria
+39 340 733 2161 oder +39 0471 345 317
Family Obkircher
Soprabolzano, via Piramidi 7
I-39054 Renon, South Tyrol
Farm & Trattoria
+39 340 733 2161 oder +39 0471 345 317
Take the Bolzano North exit from the Brenner motorway (A22) and then go right towards Bolzano city centre. At the roundabout (after approx. 1 km) take the road to Ritten. After 1 km turn right onto the Ritten road, which branches off to Oberbozen after another 14 km. Once you arrive in Oberbozen, there are signs to direct you to the Moarhof.