Come and pay us a visit!

Family Obkircher
Soprabolzano, via Piramidi 7
I-39054 Renon, South Tyrol


Farm & Trattoria
+39 340 733 2161 oder +39 0471 345 317

By car

Take the Bolzano North exit from the Brenner motorway (A22) and then go right towards Bolzano city centre. At the roundabout (after approx. 1 km) take the road to Ritten. After 1 km turn right onto the Ritten road, which branches off to Oberbozen after another 14 km. Once you arrive in Oberbozen, there are signs to direct you to the Moarhof.

Your own personal retreat

Our apartments

Exploring the Ritten

Surrounded by nature
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